Java interfaces vs. Scala traits

🗓️ 13 March 2020
🍿 6 mins read time
🏷️ Tags: Scala


One key idea in OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) is the so-called information hiding, which is a form of abstraction whereby the public interface of an object gets decoupled from its internal workings. This concept of separation is usually the core idea of abstract classes and interfaces, in which a set of customers (a concrete class) would like that each customer (an instance of the concrete class) could use the service (an interface’s function) provided by a specific supplier (the interface). In this blog post we are going to develop a deeper understanding of what interfaces are, in general, and how they differ from a programming language to another.

Java interfaces

In Java, an interface is very similar to an abstract class, with the following main differences:

The cool thing about interfaces is that they provide a way to perform a sort of multiple inheritance, since a class can implement more than one interface, while also eventually extending a single class. For example:

public interface A {
    public void foo();

public interface B {
    public void bar();

public class C implements A, B {
    public void baz();

An interface can also extend another interface, by means of the same inheritance rules applied to standard Java classes. For example:

public interface A {
    public void foo();

public interface B extends A {
    public void bar();

Since Java 8, interfaces got richer, with additional important features which brings them closer to other implementations of the same concepts in other languages, like Scala. These useful new features free the programmer from the constraints imposed by having to stick with just abstract methods in interfaces. For example, with Java 8 you can implement a static function directly in the interface, leading to very useful applications like standard factory methods:

public interface A() {
    public static A factory() {
        return new B();

public class B implements A() { ... }

Another useful addition is in the so called default methods, which are a good way to provide default implementations of some interface functions. In this way, classes that implement that specific interface are not obliged to provide the actual code to perform that operation, to be declared as concrete classes. Obviously, this feature is mostly related to the scalability of an interface, rather than to its core operations, since the best practice for a class implementing that interface will always be to provide its specific implementation of the default method.

public interface A {
    default boolean foo() {
        return true;

Scala traits

Scala traits are very similar to Java interfaces, since they provide a way to inject specific behaviors into a class, using a set of methods defined in the implemented trait. These behaviors should then be parametrized, according to the actual mission of the class.

trait A {
    def foo()

Scala traits could be seen as rich interfaces, since they provide a way to implement both abstract and non-abstract function definitions, out of the box. For example, we could have the following definition, without the need of using the default keyword, as in Java 8:

trait A {
    def foo() = println("foo")

A Scala class/object can inherit from multiple traits at the same time. For the single inheritance problem, we could have:

trait A {
    def foo() = println("foo")

class B() extends A {
    def bar() = println("bar")

For the multiple inheritance problem, we could instead have:

trait A {
    override def foo() = println("foo")

trait B {
    override def foo() = println("bar")

class C() extends A with B {
    def bar() = println("bar")

Alternatively to class C() extends A with B, we could have also written class C() with A with B.
Beware that the order in which traits are listed actually matters, since the last trait will be considered first in case of traits that override methods (in our example, calling foo() on an instance of type C will print out “bar” instead of “foo”).

A very useful thing which distinguishes Java 8 interfaces with default methods w.r.t. Scala traits is that the latter provide the so called dynamic binding of super: the super keyword can be used inside a trait to refer to the superclass of the class implementing the trait. Obviously, the super keyword cannot be statically interpreted because the trait can be mixed-in different classes, with different superclasses; so, it has to be dinamically bound to the superclass of the mixed-in class. For example:

trait A {
    def foo() = println(super.toString)

class B() {
    override def toString = "Superclass"

class C() extends B with A {
    override def toString = "Derived class"

In this example, calling foo() on an instance of class C will actually print out “Superclass”.

These tools give the programmer an easy way to extend the language with new primitives and mechanisms that resemble native, in order to “scale” the software to suit its needs.