Multi-agent reinforcement learning on trains, for Deep Learning class at UNIBO
Tablut board game player for Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence class at UNIBO
Visual inspection of motorcycle connecting rods for Computer Vision class at UNIBO
GUI useful to manually annotate text for Named Entity Recognition purposes
Question answering on the SQuAD dataset, for NLP class at UNIBO
Speaker identification/verification models for Machine Learning for Computer Vision class at UNIBO
Various classifiers using bayesian networks, for Knowledge Representation class at UNIBO
A simple widget to filter Woocommerce products by a numeric attribute using a slider
3D bin packing solutions with layers and superitems, for Artificial Intelligence in Industry class at UNIBO
Solutions to the Harvest CPR appropriation problem with policy gradient methods and social learning, for Autonomous and Adaptive Systems class at UNIBO
Scala/Spark project, for Languages and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence class at UNIBO
Various assignments for Natural Language Processing class at UNIBO